RMLink – Online evaluation of your raw materials

The evaluation of raw material is a fundamental point at the heart of feed formulation. The precision of the feed formulation directly ensues from the precision of the raw materials’ nutritional profiles. In order to produce feeds suitable to the animal and compliant to the requirements, a proper evaluation of raw materials is a crucial first step.

This evaluation of raw materials is usually obtained from two sources. Physicochemical analysis will give values for the basic nutrients such as protein, fat, cellulose, moisture and some others. Various public or private zootechnical studies also give equations that can be used to calculate other nutritional values.

Nutritional tables have also been created and made public. Their main drawback is that the values included are static. A-SYSTEMS developed a new technology called “RMLINK” that allows the update of raw material profiles dynamically and in real time, using equations and reference nutritional tables.

Once the raw materials are valued by the user, this can export the results as a csv file or if he has an Allix formulation software he can download values in a click thanks to a seamless communication between Allix and RMLink. The calculated values are directly integrated in the Allix; without needing to pass through import/export data. Each supplier of raw materials matrix can thereby have an interactive tool allowing to spread its equations and standard matrix values to end users. As a benefit, it is possible for the final user to adjust the raw materials matrix in real time taking into account its analyzed values and provider equations.

One of the first beneficiaries of this technology is the INRA/AFZ (French Association of Animal Nutrition) with the Feedinamics platform (www.feedinamics.com) where they provide their services through subscriptions. The AFZ wishes to increase the outreach of its know-how in terms of qualification of raw materials, and make it available to a wider community of users. Today the service is available in English and French.